Deciding to start a business is an unusual decision. It’s often considered irrational and yet for many it’s the best decision they’ve ever made. So we asked folks to think back to when they were starting their businesses and to tell us about their decision making process.

Keon Lucas

So initially, my thought process behind starting 1deep outdoors was simply because I did not see a lot of representation of my culture in the outdoors. Would it be Hunting fishing or even just out in the wilderness exploring in general. And with that being said with me getting into this lifestyle, it was just me alone. I didn’t have any friends who would want to embark on this journey with me. It’s really just me and my 10 year-old son. Read More>>

Anthony Flores

Being raised in a family where my dad owned his own business for 35+ years, I always wanted to follow somewhat in his footsteps and own my own business one day. After college, I worked for him for 9 years and saw what it takes to operate a business successfully. Read More>>

Kristin Mountcastle

In the summer of 2015, I was a mother of two young daughters and a change management consultant at a major consulting firm in Charlotte. I loved my work, but often felt a quiet tug to expand my impact and do something more. One ordinary July day, the quiet tug grew to a louder calling that was impossible to ignore.  Read More>>

Bobby And Dawn Sharpe

Bobby and I traveled for our last career and spent a lot of time on the road. When the opportunity presented itself, we were thrilled to come back to our town and build a destination that could become a staple for our community. Read More>>

Emily Jolley

I’d been working in the health insurance industry for a couple of years, but for an agency that was captive, meaning that I had limited plans that I could offer to my clients. Because I have my clients’ best interests at heart, I found that I was referring my clients to agents who had different offerings than I did. I eventually realized that I was sending away more clients then I was keeping, and so Triangle Health Advisors was born! I now partner with many different carriers, and can help my clients choose from a broad range of options, best suiting their needs and budget. Read More>>