We’ve been fortunate to connect with so many brilliant, thoughtful entrepreneurs and creatives and we regularly ask them about the most important lessons they’ve learned over the course of their careers. We’ve shared some highlights below.

Theo Purdom | Pastry Chef & Cake Decorator

That failure is okay. Growing up, I was a perfectionist. I had to present myself a certain way, I wanted to provide perfect products, I strived to achieve goals on the first attempt, and it drove me insane. Once I sat down with a few peers and realized that failure is only part of the process and that it sets me up for an even bigger success, I felt free. I felt like I could tackle any challenge I faced, knowing that if I failed this time, I would get back up, try again, and come out even better in the end. Read more>>

Kayla Simone | Entrepreneur & Creative

The most important lesson my business has taught me is to just keep going. Be adaptive to change and work with what you have. It’s okay to take a break and go back to the drawing board. Pivot but don’t quit. I just keep going, no matter what. Read more>>

Kadejsha Riddles | Licensed cosmetologist & Cosmetics business owner

The most important lesson my business/career has taught me would be that you can literally touch the lives of many just by living yours. With everything I’ve gone through in business and my personal life … a beautiful story has been and is still being written. At this point in my life , with maturity I’ve taken different approaches this go round and to see the impact has truly been a blessing. Read more>>

Hadassah Patterson | Chef, Community Coordinator, Visual Talent and Filmmaker

That is a tough one! There are so many lessons – all the time! But we can’t do this by ourselves. More than anything I’ve learned that support is important. I’m very independent. I love getting things done and I generally know how it’s best done, but it takes a team, and some things take several teams! Read more>>