Thinking through whether to start a business – whether to take the risk, whether to go out on your own – isn’t easy. So we asked some entrepreneurs we admire to tell us about how they thought through the process of starting a business.

Anna Mann | Organizer

I had recently gone back to school and gotten my bachelor’s degree and then went back to working the job I had before going back to school. I hated it. It wasn’t where I wanted to be and it wasn’t what I wanted to be doing anymore. I started organizing my home during the pandemic and it became almost therapeutic and someone suggested I try doing that as my job. So, I started Anna’s Organizing Service. I also took a part time job as music coordinator for my spiritual fellowship called Spiritual Soul Center here in Wilmington and I absolutely love that too. It’s a different kind of organizing. I love organizing music events and would love for that to become a source of income for me somehow as well. Read more>>

Mohammad Sadat | Creative Director

When Iconic Bond (Ahmed Radwan) and I founded The House of Creatives (THOC), our decision was rooted in addressing a crucial need within our community. We recognized a gap that needed to be filled, specifically providing a platform for under-represented creatives to amplify their voices and gain visibility. Read more>>

Matthew Swartz-Vega | Neurofeedback Analyst

Witnessing the impact of mental health challenges, I was driven to create a spare where individuals could find understanding, support, and resources to enhance their well-being. It’s my commitment to contribute to a healthier, happier community. Read more>>

Aubrey Linnea | Companion and Content Creator

Well more money of course! Not having to report to anyone. Making my own schedule. I wanted to become a companion for many reasons. I want to make people feel good, and provide an escape from their every day lives. It’s thrilling to be whisked away for a weekend getaway on a whim. Or invited to join someone at a basketball game while we cheer on their favorite team. Cracking jokes from across the table at a little hole in the wall spot known for their good food, or an intimate date to the hottest Michelin star restaurant in town. As an outgoing person, starting my own business was a no brainer. I’ve never regretted my choice! Read more>>

Antwan Short Sr. | Chef & Entrepreneur

I had been told every place I worked, “I wish I had another `you.” I hadn’t put much thought into that statement. I was always so happy to work and have a Job. A lot of the time the workload would shift my way due to the fact. It didn’t come with any extra pay. At best, I could at least leave work on time. I had a supervisor try to give me a downgraded yearly review just because I was new. Although management corrected it I knew it was time to go, if I was going to have to fight for what I deserved. One day I just decided if my time would be dictated, it should be by me. At least I might respect it a little more. I didn’t know what I was going to do at the time. Yet, it was time for me to bet on me! I turned in my Two weeks notice and decided to go back to school for business. Taking advantage of my military benefits. This would be my first step in the process. Read more>>

Casper Luna | Music and Film Producer, Artist, Photographer and Author.

I am rarely content with working for other people, especially in a creative capacity. I love to work with people, but I found that I am constantly doing so many projects, that I would begin to get frustrated with people if I had to rely on them for me to complete what I had done. I also found that it was difficult at times for me to work a “traditional” job. I always found myself spending more time working on music, art, writing, and photography than I would on my job. That is when I decided to pursue my artistic dreams and began a photography brand, traveling the world and bringing my adventures to everyone. Now, I own my own entertainment company, Lycanthrope Entertainment LLC, where I now get to work in a variety of artistic communities, in an eclectic capacity creating: Films, Interviews, Photography, Digital Art, Original Art, Original Stories and scripts, Music Production and Recording. I never would have been able to have the life that I do now if I had chosen to continue working for other people, creating things that didn’t motivate me or move others. Starting my own company and brand was the best thing I have ever done. Read more>>

Jordan Farrell | Exercise Physiologist, Fitness & Nutrition Coach, & Dancer

So, I feel like I’ve always had this desire to want more, to do more, without someone always questioning who I am. I’ve always had many talents but my passions have always been with involved with movement. I started taking dance classes and running track at a young age, and have blessed to continue dancing and running in my adult life. My love for movement and the human body influenced my decision to study Exercise Physiology in college and get me where I am today. I’ve worked in a variety of fitness environments as a fitness professional and I always felt that I was not fully using all of my gifts. In creating my business MOVE WITH J, LLC. I knew I could bring all things within my movement experience and knowledge to others. I wanted to create safe and inviting spaces and experiences where everybody and every body is welcome. Read more>>

Erin Holtvedt | Mom and Small Business Owner

I have repped, hustled and schlepped for so many other clothing and accessory brands for so many years. Its all I have ever known. The lifestyle of samples and travel were once so glam to me, but once I had my two babes, Eleanor James and Charlotte “Sissy” Collins, the luster definitely wore off and it was time to change gears. Read more>>

Molly Harper | Realtor

My journey to becoming a full time Realtor was somewhat unplanned. I had obtained my license during Covid as something I would do in the future, when my husband and I moved to Lake Gaston full time. I joined a small boutique firm that allowed me to continue working as an IT sales account executive and transacting real estate part time. January of 2021, I had a meeting with my IT manager and was told my position was being dissolved. For over 30+ years, I had worked for large companies and achieved great success. I was stunned, defeated, and panicked. Thanks to the loving support of my husband, he picked me up and said, well I guess it’s time to be a full time Realtor. So that is what I did. Currently, I am an independent contractor with working for Heaton Real Estate and work with Clients on their buying or selling needs for homes and/or land. I was a resident of Cary for over 20 years, so have extensive knowledge of this area as well as Lake Gaston, Roanoke Rapids Lake and Kerr Lake knowledge. Read more>>

Bethany Vargas | Owner + Book Queen

It really stems back to when I was 4 years old, already an avid reader. I also had a mind for owning a store. My mom says I wanted to touch every single cash registers for sale at Staples and other stores. Then when I was 7, I made my own pretend store in my bedroom with a toy register and pretend customers that I filed away on a self-created index card catalog. At the time I had no idea what I was preparing myself for, but it was this. Read more>>