One of the most rewarding things about getting to know so many entrepreneurs is seeing first-hand how many of them are focused on so much more than just financial results. So many of the folks we connect with are focused on having a positive social impact on their community or the world at large. Check out some of these amazing folks below.

Joy Lara | Professional Organizer, Interior Decorator & Licensed Realtor

Each and every one of us has an environment that we impact or that impacts us. We spend about 80% of our time either at home or in our office/workplace. Our homes and offices contribute heavily to the way we feel, think about ourselves, and act in high-stress situations. When a person takes time to nurture their environment at home or work, it can tremendously impact them in a positive way. Studies have shown that having an organized and aesthetically stimulating environment actually increases productivity and reduces confusion and mental/emotional chaos. Read more>>

Kristian Jordan | Birth Doula & Childbirth Educator

As a birth doula, I believe that we can educate and empower women and their families to make the best decisions for themselves when it comes to their pregnancies, birth, and postpartum experiences. Feeling completely supported during such a pivotal time in a woman’s life as she brings new life into the world can be a big factor in how she views her birth story, whether or not it went the way that she desired and planned for it to go. Continuity of care is so valuable, and a birth doula provides that kind of care from conception all the way through postpartum. Read more>> 

Adriana Moron | Digital Marketing Director and CEO of Right Hand Here

At the beginning, I noticed how my business was helping other businesses showcase their values online. Seeing some of my clients achieve results from day one was incredibly motivating. As my business grew, I realized it was fostering a community in Charlotte. This impact became clear during one of my monthly meetings when I saw women around the table sharing how they had connected through my meetings, forming valuable business partnerships for various projects. The most significant impact my business has had is helping to build and strengthen the Latin community in Charlotte through these meaningful connections. Read more>>